New reports: Bergdahl left note declaring intention to desert, renounce citizenship the night he walked off

Worth reading….


New reports: Bergdahl left note declaring intention to desert, renounce citizenship the night he walked off

Joe Saunders
Bizpac Review

Evidence keeps building that the Obama administration may have traded terrorists for what some would call a traitor.

Bowe Bergdahl, the Army soldier whose capture by the Taliban five years ago led President Obama to release five terrorist ringleaders on Saturday, not only deserted his post in hostile territory but left behind a note announcing he was disgusted with the American mission in Afghanistan and wanted renounce his American citizenship, according to news reports.

Citing a former military official familiar with the investigation, The New York Times reported Tuesday that Bergdahl, who was a private at the time of his disappearance near the Pakistan border, took a backpack, water, knives and a notebook.

He left behind his weapons – and his soldier comrades, who were forced to spend the next 90 days in a futile search for him. Some might have died as a…

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