Prosecutorial Reporting

Worth your time….

The Hyper Report

Make no mistake, because of the social media environment that we live in, the vast majority of so-called journalists no longer report the news, but prosecute the news.

When a news story uses sources close to the investigation, this could easily be the physical distance between the reader and the investigator. For example, I live in Texas. A homeless person on the street in Washington D.C. is a lot closer to a federal investigation than I am; thus, this could be ‘the source’ close to the investigation.

When one reads, hears, or watches a news report, think of the following:

  1. Identify the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, and WHY of the story.
  2. Who ULTIMATELY benefits from a story – On the surface, this may be easy; however, this can be the hardest.
  3. Remove opinions and hearsay (Unnamed or Biased Sources )
  4. What is the motive of the news source? Look at…

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